
Megan TadyI’m Megan Tady, writer extraordinaire. Welcome to Word-Lift, my communications consulting and copywriting service based in Western Massachusetts.

I started my consulting business in 2011 after spending a decade as a journalist, columnist, and writer/warrior for non-profit agencies. I use my distinctive skill set and talent for storytelling to guide organizations and institutions’ messaging efforts. I craft copy that inspires emotion and action, and root out the stories that help audiences connect to issues, products and services. And I help groups determine the right message for the right outcomes.

As a journalist, I have traveled across the country and the world writing the uncommon story. I’ve written about organic vanilla production in Belize, the digital divide in Los Angeles, environmental degradation in New Jersey, and invasive weeds in New Zealand, among hundreds (no exaggeration) of other topics. I was a writer and editor for The NewStandard, a political reporter for In These Times, and a blog editor for the non-profit group Free Press. What does this mean for you? I know how to churn out quick, excellent copy, and can tell you not to go to New Jersey.

I’m a corn-fed Nebraska gal who now lives in a quaint New England town. When I’m not scrutinizing website copy, I’m playing pick-up soccer, growing black beans in my garden, challenging anyone to a dance-off, and stewing over how Portlandia stole all of my jokes.

“You never know when Megan will throw on a wig and act like a crazy person… and I think that is a large part of what makes her a great copywriter and a joy to work with.” – Zoe Pappenheimer, Zoe Design Works